putting the "alt" in gestalt therapy
Interviews with Artists, Curators, Writers, and Architects
Let's take a deep dive and see where it all started. From the ice age to today's polluted era we trace who inspired who, one artist at a time.
Mariel and Brantley watch every episode of the HBO show The Young Pope. Brantley is Co-President of Yale's Catholic student organization. Mariel has never been to church in her life, but she is basically a walking IMDB. Tune in to see if Pope Culture gets as weird as Paolo Sorrentino's direction.
IN TRANSIT curates the sounds that might accompany a specific journey, be it taking the subway from home to work, or transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. Tune in each week to let your co-hosts, dj jack and dj lena, take you places.
Bound by fast friendship and a deep-rooted love of Simon and Garfunkel, DJ CYAN (Colin and Aparna) explore classical, jazz, indie rock, rap, and good ole' S&G. Tune in for banter, book reviews, and great music!
ever wondered what art sounds like? this is the show for you
Threads through genre, culture, and history. How does sampling tell stories? How do those stories change across boundaries? What are the ethics of differing contexts, compensation, and media sampling?
"Imaginary gardens with real toads in them"
bry and sarah dump whatever thoughts + songs have been on their minds into the soup of yale radio
is kanye okay? all my homies are worried about kanye
1 work of art. 1 hour of music. 2 cool gals.
Media madness! Listen to movie scores, tv show themes, and video game soundtracks. DJ Nardog and DJ Koul offer the freshest commentary. >:D
A regretful english major & former english major unite to talk poetry & find joy in the midst of it all. They'll invite student poets to join them on the show, share their work, and recommend songs that match the ethos of said work. By DJ K & DJ KREN.
Welcome to paradise.
The general viscosity transposes itself through the ligaments' zenith... Stalagmites, stalactites, the world finds warmth and odor celebrated...
RAD10: Diving Into Discography We’ll be diving into an artist’s discography: the oldest, the latest, the best, (the worst?), the depths of their stories and context of their music, and what characterizes their art.