putting the "alt" in gestalt therapy
friends n foes attempt to solve the world's problems n distract themselves w eclectic tunes
yale ladies chatting about being ladies at yale
IN TRANSIT curates the sounds that might accompany a specific journey, be it taking the subway from home to work, or transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. Tune in each week to let your co-hosts, dj jack and dj lena, take you places.
Consider the softboy. He's sensitive, promising that you and he have something ‘special.’ But do you? Who is he? And why won’t he return my texts??? We’d promise our listeners answers but if we had them, we probably wouldn’t have been left on read again.
Anya and Ella dive deep into your nichest emotions.
An eclectic mix of indie and dance to get ya through the morning schlump.
Existence is only temporary--why not flirt on the air and from genre to genre?
ever wondered what art sounds like? this is the show for you
BIG KITSCH ENERGY aims to explore obscure, odd, and/or stupid albums, artists, and vibes. Buckle up.
we're no longer crying... or so we hope @wybcspilledmilk on instagram
dont be shy: come and listen to us talk about the word
"Imaginary gardens with real toads in them"
1 work of art. 1 hour of music. 2 cool gals.
Two roommates. Big Mouths. A lot to talk about. Bops will ensue.
sex on the radio ...
abcde... sometimes concerts. sometimes giggles. sometimes despair. always vibes. always music. always random.