Spilled Milk

    Lydia and Adam have cried a lot in the past two year on spilled milk. Will they ever stop? This semester seems they think so. Explore new depths to their emotions in 2022 as they cleanup all the milk they've spilled.
    The new premise: do whatever it takes to cleanup the messes they've made. each week dj "Lydia" and Adam will explore a new path into music, into broadcasting, maybe straying from their sad indie rock roots into new genres and emotions.
    tune in weekly to explore your soul hole!
    Not sponsored by Big Dairy!
    Love you!

    all song archive: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0yyvD9LXfuf0n8o72avwft?si=acae3284abf74111

    Spilled Milk
    7:00pm, 12-5-2021
    7:00pm, 11-14-2021
    7:00pm, 11-7-2021