streaming consciousness

    In Streaming
    Consciousness, we will be exploring the fantastic, freaky, Freudian world of
    human consciousness. There are two rules: there will be no silence, and we
    cannot discuss the same topic twice. Our discussions will be based around the
    idea of stream-of-consciousness (RIP Virginia Woolf), and will involve our
    personal lives (like, think Dating Columns) as well as current events on Yale's
    campus and in the United States. We will select music that corresponds to the
    moods and ideas we are discussing, and sometimes use the music as a jumping-off
    point for our discussions. 

    streaming consciousness
    9:00pm, 3-19-2019
    9:00pm, 3-12-2019
    9:00pm, 3-5-2019
    9:00pm, 2-26-2019
    9:00pm, 2-19-2019
    9:00pm, 2-12-2019
    9:00pm, 2-5-2019
    6:00pm, 9-23-2017