Existentialist Moongazing

    A talk show where a new guest every week comes on to discuss one of life's many convoluted themes. Questions of life, death, and that messy part in between. Tune in to the show and ponder complicated subjects with us every Thursday at Midnight! 

    Like the show on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/existentialistmoongazing

    All past episodes are archived on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz-NZPJ5hNFYM2Z5YlRGNE84VE0

    links to individual episodes can be found in each episode's page, right down there \/

    Existentialist Moongazing
    10:00pm, 8-10-2017
    10:00pm, 8-3-2017
    12:00am, 4-28-2017
    12:00am, 3-10-2017
    12:00am, 3-3-2017
    12:00am, 2-24-2017
    12:00am, 2-17-2017
    12:00am, 2-10-2017
    12:00am, 2-2-2017
    12:00am, 1-26-2017