The purpose of our show is to provide our listeners with
    awesome music that we regularly have blaring in our room. Mostly this will be rock
    and indie, but we will also include some folk and other genres. A lot of the
    rock music that came out in the 60s and 70s was controversial and many parents
    didn’t want their kids listening to “the devil’s music.” We find rock music really
    enriching and powerful, and we want our listeners to feel the same way. We will
    play tracks that we think need to brought back to mass attention, as well as
    more contemporary music, in order to provide a balanced show. We will contrast
    this audio with discussions between our two hosts where we will talk about any
    and all things, particularly existentialist questions. We want to talk about
    what is going on throughout campus and the world, controversial topics, and whatever
    anyone calls in and asks us. We invite anyone who wants to guest-star on our show to
    bring in some of their music as well as help fuel our discussions and offer
    other opinions.

    EGC & Rain
    11:19pm, 9-10-2017