Briggs, et al.

    We became friends because we perceive music in a very similar way. It has value to us because of its associations with people, with places, and with memories. We love listening to music together, and would have some shows with guests who we can talk to about what albums are important to them and why, and how music helps us make sense of our pasts and certain stories in our lives. 

    We come up with playlists each week, chat between songs and explain what the music means to us, and Luke freestyles sometimes too.  We like to reference the fact that we take lots of less-than-ideal classes together pretty often, so we play some sad songs too.

    Briggs, et al.
    2:00pm, 12-8-2017
    2:00pm, 12-1-2017
    2:00pm, 11-24-2017
    2:00pm, 11-17-2017
    2:00pm, 11-3-2017
    2:00pm, 10-13-2017
    2:00pm, 10-6-2017
    2:00pm, 9-29-2017
    2:00pm, 9-22-2017