Anthropological Approaches

    So Alex and I are taking a seminar called Anthropological Approaches to Capitalism this semester, which looks set to be pretty dope. What we're trying to do here is apply Anthropological tools - maybe even do some fieldwork - to the music scene at Yale. We're talking frat parties, misc basements, common rooms, freshmen dorms, unexpected freestyles from your roommate, when you forget to plug your headphones in properly in the library. Expect Blink 182 or Stacy's Mom at least four times an episode (promise this is a joke we would never do that do you). This should be a comprehensive survey moving from what we've been hearing to what we wish to hear instead. The final paper will be our utopic vision of music in all corners of Yale.

    Anthropological Approaches
    10:00am, 4-9-2017
    10:00am, 4-2-2017
    10:00am, 3-5-2017
    10:00pm, 2-26-2017
    10:00am, 2-19-2017
    10:00pm, 2-12-2017
    10:00am, 2-5-2017
    10:00am, 1-29-2017