when you see your woads crush make out with someone else at valentoads

Introduce show and theme!

Lisa Sawyer by Leon Bridges: when you are excited about your crush

Discuss Annika's Tinder profile

I Wear Glasses by Mating Ritual: getting dressed for Valentoads

Discuss Miho's awkward hook up story

Alors on Danse by Stromae: getting lit at the pregame

Discuss Annika's awkward screw story

Caught Their Eyes by Frank Ocean and Jay-Z: when you see them from across the room and are ready to hook up

Discuss whether Annika believes in love at first sight

It Ain't Over Till It's Over by Lenny Kravitz: when your potential dfmo is having an intense conversation with someone who isn't you

Discuss whether Miho believes in love at first sight

The Less I Know the Better: when your potential dfmo has become somebody else's dfmo

Discuss freshman screw and how while Valentoads went badly, can still screw someone else on Friday

Hate Street Dialogue by Rodriguez: fuck your Woads crush! there are other fish in the sea

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