"Biz Talk with Jim Campbell" - The Architect of the Great Society Takes on the Failure of Washington

The Architect of the Great Society takes on Washington Dysfunction; Gridlock; the Corrupting Influence of Big Money; Hyper-Partisanship and Control by the Wing-Nut extremists ...Fixing Our Damaged Democracy before It’s too late.·        

Joseph Califano, Jr. - spent thirty years in Washington at the top of the Pentagon, on the White House staff under LBJ - where he was referred to as “Deputy President for Domestic Affairs”, and as U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under President Carter. He worked as an attorney for The Washington Post during Watergate. He is founder of The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University.


Joe’s new book – “Our Damaged Democracy: We The People Must Act”.

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